Just-in-Time (JIT)

Just-in-Time deliveries can be a great way for companies to save money and improve production efficiency: inventory control issues are minimized, storage costs are reduced and production efficiency increases.

Unfortunately, if you’re on the shipping end of JIT deliveries, things aren’t so easy. You’ve got to balance getting your freight where it needs to go in such a tight window of time while still allowing for any number of things that can – an inevitably will – go wrong.

Callout-JITLet CanPro Logistics be your freight and logistics partner and we’ll take all of the stress and worry out of your Just-in-Time shipments. We’ll arrange to have your shipments picked up and transported to their destination so they arrive … well … just in time!

Call us today at (855) 840 – 4866 and find out how we can take the stress and worry out of your Just-in-Time shipments. Or, visit our Contact a Rep page and fill in the form and one of our friendly and knowledgeable logistics experts will contact you right away.